Would you like to eliminate chaos by developing systems and routines that will keep you organized and buy back time?

Activate Mommy Mode:

A guide for moms to develop systems and routines so that they can manage their time and live an organized and productive life.

Are you experiencing these 5 issues that's hindering your walk in motherhood?

  • Feeling overwhelmed because there's too much to do, with no idea how to start.

  • Unable to stay consistent with a planner you've invested in.

  • Struggling to reach goals due to a lack of clarity and direction.

  • Dealing with the bondage of mom guilt.

  • Unable to overcome procrastination and wasting precious time that you would never get back.

Being a mommy is tough, but imagine:

  • Taking back control of your greatest asset... Your time
  • Reducing anxiety and stress by implementing organized systems
  • Focusing your energy on things that matter without feeling overwhelmed
  • Having a balanced and purposeful walk as you journey through motherhood
  • Tackling the root issues that's hindering your productivity

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What To Expect In This Book:

Chapter breakdown:

➡️ Chapter 1: Overcoming Mommy Issues- Tackling the toxic cycles that all moms experience... Mommy Issues. In this chapter, I will show you how to overcome mommy issues and experience a mindset shift.

➡️ Chapter 2: Being Intentional About Your Health - Let's face it, we need our health in order to keep up with our kids. In this chapter, I will break down the 3 essential pillars of health and how to start taking care of your health so that you can have the energy to do the things you want.

➡️ Chapter 3: Hitting Reset - It is important for you to have a reset routine you can visit when you're feeling like life is too much. Reset is a skill that you can learn.

➡️ Chapter 4: Planning That Works For You - In this chapter, I will explain the fundamentals of a planner and how you can start to be consistent with a planner.

➡️ Chapter 5: Organizing Your Life - Organization is not a one-time thing... It's a lifestyle. Gain a peek into my organization strategy so you can develop organized routines for your life.

➡️ Chapter 6: Moms Can Be Productive Too - As a mom, you're fully capable of being productive. I will show you how I get things done while also raising children.

➡️ Chapter 7: Mommy Goals - You can and will be "mommy goals". In this chapter, I will show you how to upgrade your walk and be the mom you know you are capable of being.



Hey! I'm Shantay and I'm dedicated to serving moms by helping them develop systems and routines so that they can manage their time and live an organized life.

I am a child of God, a wife, and a mommy of two beautiful girls. One of my biggest dreams was to become a full-time entrepreneur. However, that dream felt out of reach especially back in 2018 when I was pregnant with my first child. Two years later I ended up pregnant with my second child. I decided to stay in my job as an IT so I could help provide for my children. I remember telling the Lord that by the age of 30 I will be a full-time entrepreneur. God showed me that I didn't have to wait till I turned 30 but with a specific strategy and obedience, the dream could be accelerated. I did the work to develop a system that would allow me to maximize my time as a wife, a mommy, working a full-time job, and becoming a full-time entrepreneur with my tea business. God honored it. In March of 2021 at the age of 27, I decided to quit my job and uproot my business and family from Mount Vernon, NY to Raleigh, NC. None of it would have been possible without (1) God and (2) being strategic with developing an organized plan around motherhood and business.

As a certified life coach and mentor, I'm passionate to serving moms who may struggle with maximizing their time. I want to show as many mommies as I can that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and that they can and will get their groove back.


Hey! I'm Shantay and I'm dedicated to serving moms by helping them develop systems and routines so that they can manage their time and live an organized life.

I am a daughter of the King, a wife, and a mommy of two beautiful girls. One of my biggest dreams was to become a full-time entrepreneur. However, that dream felt out of reach especially back in 2018 when I was pregnant with my first child. Two years later I ended up pregnant with my second child. I decided to stay in my job as an IT so I could help provide for my children. I remember telling the Lord that by the age of 30 I will be a full-time entrepreneur. God showed me that I didn't have to wait till I turned 30 but with a specific strategy and obedience, the dream could be accelerated. I did the work to develop a system that would allow me to maximize my time as a wife, a mommy, working a full-time job, and becoming a full-time entrepreneur with my tea business. God honored it. In March of 2021 at the age of 27, I decided to quit my job and uproot my business and family from Mount Vernon, NY to Raleigh, NC. None of it would have been possible without (1) God and (2) being strategic with developing an organized plan around motherhood and business.

As a certified life coach and mentor, I'm passionate to serving moms who may struggle with maximizing their time. I want to show as many mommies as I can that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and that they can and will get their groove back.